If You Can… Thoughts from an American Soldier

Luke 12:4 I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. -Jesus


If you can… save a place within your heart for the tired souls of war and conflict.

If you can… take one last backward glance at the places they can no longer go.

If you can… remember what they have taught you. Take their knowledge and wisdom with you. Their deaths were not in vain. One day we all look back and realize what they sacrificed.

If you can… take a moment to embrace in your heart all those gentle heroes that were left behind on the battlefields fighting for their country.

If you can… let them know that you have always loved them even though you may not have. Forever save a place in your hearts for them.

A young soldier once remarked, “We did not go because we are soldiers. We went because we are AMERICANS.”

I am an #Oathkeeper, Foreign or Domestic.


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