Archive for Yehuda Glick

Trend Update: Temple Mount, November 2014

Posted in Prophecy, Temple, Trend Update with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on November 5, 2014 by paulthepoke

Matthew 24:15 “Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand)…   -Jesus

The holy place Jesus is referring to is the Temple. This is a future event where the antichrist will claim to be God in the Jewish Temple. Currently, there is no Temple. There is no antichrist on the scene. The Temple is a key piece to the end times scenario of the Bible.

Currently (November 2014), activity and passion are increasing on the real estate known as the Temple Mount. The politics of the Temple Mount are interesting. The nation of Jordan and the Muslim Waqf allow Jews to pray at the Western Wall, but not on top of the mount. Tensions are running high. Access to the mount was briefly closed for a day or two. Politicians are pleading for restraint and calm after Fatah called for “A day of rage”.

On October 29, 2014, Yehuda Glick was shot three times by an Islamic radical. Yehuda Glick is the chairman of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation. Glick is a man who supports the idea of Jews being able to pray on top of the Temple Mount. Muslims are obviously opposed. They call this an act of war.

Glick also has another idea. He has a vision of three faiths (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) sharing the Temple Mount. This idea has been slowly gaining traction among Jews in Israel. Some believe it could be the key to a future solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

At this point, Glick has survived the shooting.

Momentum is gaining for the rebuilding of the third Jewish Temple. “Everyone now understands, in a brand new way, what we have been teaching for years – that the Temple Mount is the key to everything. That the destiny of the Jewish people is totally bound up with the Temple Mount and the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.” –Rabbi Chaim Richman, Temple Mount Institute

One can see how a peace deal can be brokered, Palestinian nation in exchange for Jewish Temple.