Archive for Judgment day

Where Is the World Headed??? Bernie Dahl

Posted in #PaulthePoke, Prophecy, Trend Update with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 28, 2021 by paulthepoke

In this topsy turvy world we live in today, where is our world headed? The best source to find that answer is the Bible, God’s communication to future generations of man.

Throughout the Old Testament there are more than 100 prophecies that foretold of a savior coming to earth to redeem man. Yet, all these prophecies were ignored by God’s own people.

However, Magi from Babylon, who had the history of Daniel teaching them, came looking for the Messiah. They were sure had been born.

In our lifetime, at least mine, we have seen the Children of Israel returned to their land in 1948 after 1,900+ years of exile. During most of that time, the Promised Land where their ancestors had lived for several thousand years had become a barren wasteland. But today, it is very productive in unbelievable ways.

photo: Wikimedia, Damascus

Are there prophecies told to us in the Bible that are yet unfulfilled? Yes. Let me give you a few.

Currently, the city of Damascus is the oldest continuously populated city having been in existence for more than 3,000 years. Yet Isaiah 17:2 tells us it will be destroyed and never again inhabited. Could this happen in our lifetime? Very possibly Yes. What is in the news almost weekly in the Middle East? Iran is shipping weapons to the Damascus airport to be further transported to it’s proxy countries bordering Israel. What is Israel doing? The munitions barely arrive before Israel destroys them. Think. When, not if, Iran develops an atomic bomb and brings it to Damascus to use against Israel. What is going to happen? Bingo! See, the makings of the fulfillment of this prophecy are clearly possible in our lifetime.


Next, let me ask you what three Middle Eastern countries have troops in Syria on the border of Israel today? Russia, Iran and Turkey. You say yes. But, one is atheist; one is Sunni; and one is Shiite Muslim. So what do they have in common?

While once again what does our Bible, God’s word to mankind, tells us? In Ezekiel chapters 38 snd 39, we are told these three countries are going to come against Israel to take spoils and No nation will come to Israel’s aid.

Israel, besides it’s great agricultural products, has recently found abundant oil and natural gas reserves that are huge. Something that Russia dearly desire to have.

Until very recent times, you would say that of course America will come to Israel’s aid. However, it is very obvious that America’s current administration will never come to Israel’s aid.

So where does that put us? Once again, very clearly, this prophecy foretold by God to the prophets some 3,000 years ago has a very, very high potential of being fulfilled, not only in our lifetime, but virtually at any day now.


Will these things happen before the “Church” is taken home to be with God in the pre-Tribulation Rapture? We. Don’t know. The Rapture could happen first or these prophecies could be fulfilled first. BUT, one thing is almost certain. These events are not years and years away. Clearly, they are most likely going to happen within the lifetime of the majority of the people alive today.

The question you must ask yourself, “What is my standing with God?”

At the final judgment day, will God welcome you to Heaven?

Or will He say, “Depart from Me, I never knew you?”