Archive for Kiev

Post Joe Biden Political Free-for-All: Czekmate

Posted in #PaulthePoke, Czekmate, Trend Update with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 29, 2023 by paulthepoke

Matthew 7:23 And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” -Jesus

Lawlessness: ἀνομία/anomia

Properly, without law; iniquity, disobedience, sin.

You think Joe and Hunter Biden are something. There is one coming who will be known as the “lawless one“.

Find me on X: @Therealczekmate

Factors involving a Post Joe Biden political free-for-all:
The denial of a plea deal by Judge Maryellen Noreika, is a major setback for the Biden syndicate. Both attorneys appear to have regarded it as a walk-off homerun in the making. To paraphrase Senator Cotton of Arkansas, ‘They were not engaged in an adversarial legal process, but a conspiracy’. This rhetoric cuts to the heart of the problem in cases such as this, where the people’s interest (as represented supposedly by the judge, prosecution and eventual jury) are neglected. For a day, in a single courtroom, it would appear the people had their say, despite the Department of Justice.

So now what?

There are largely (not entirely) six controlling factors to the remainder of the Biden Presidency and its viability. These are factors that are visible enough to any observer with a discerning eye and an internet connection to determine a leftwing succession in the White House. The assumption is that Vice President Kamala Harris has a limited appeal and is a low possibility of enduring any contest among a Democratic field.

The following factors also stipulate that the Democratic party is a plutocracy of insiders. They are: Joe Biden’s health, his legitimacy, the FBI & DOJ corruption issue, Congressional
will to act, the Ukraine war, and the China/Taiwan issue.

Again, there are not the entire corpus of concerns. They are the standout issues likeliest to catch the public’s eye:

His Health – Joe Biden was never particularly intelligent. He has a lasting reputation for being casual with facts. In his retail political career, he’s had the advantage of living in a small electorate (Delaware) and he is exceptionally personable. Combined with an incumbency that permitted the accumulation of vast amounts of special interest money and favors, he secured and retained a safe political perch. His clear medical degeneration before the world is clearly not contrivance. However, that would not stop him and those surrounding him from using his condition to conduct damage control. In the right circumstances they can be counted on to endeavor to use his infirmity to advance their agenda and/or avarice.

The proliferation of alternative sources of news has permitted public awareness of his difficulties. Until recently, the lockstep legacy press has glossed over much of this as an issue. In the past two months, NPR and NBC have both published stories involving polling that raises alarm over concerns by the public over the state of his health. Theses polls are clear propaganda as they tout a jaundiced picture of Biden’s popularity visa-vis Trump, but their existence merits a little ‘reading between the lines’. The very fact that two robustly leftwing outlets would make known such concerns indicates that the very same concerns are a basis for proximate cause to curtail his tenure.

In short, it would appear that the leftwing/Democrat power-elite have arrived at the decision that a transition strategy involving a Biden departure is in order. The mental health issue is being set forth and is entirely pretextual. He had been in ill health from before his basement dwelling campaign.

His legitimacy – Joe Biden did not legitimately win the election of 2020. That is a fact that is beyond dispute. His sociopathy likely precludes him from confronting this reality, leave alone addressing it. However, one cannot help but surmise that many around him are aware of the theft of the election. It stands to reason that it must provide varying levels of uneasiness among members of his administration concerned about their own individual future. Thus, as is always the case in staff politics, various administration appointees are likely hedging their bets and keeping a sharp eye on the tide of politics.

The naked truth of Biden’s health alongside the lurid nature of his personal life, being exposed through Hunter’s serial indiscretions and his daughter’s diary, can only make for an ‘abandon ship’ mentality among the staff. This yields another inside Washington phenomena referred to as ‘defecting in place’. It is a term used in cold war era intelligence operations to describe those who’ve made a mental and a covert deliberate commitment to change sides without appearing to have changed any of their daily activities.

FBI/DOJ meltdown -The Federal Bureau of Investigation no longer has credibility among the population it ostensibly serves. It is little more than a distrusted secret-police, enforcing a Washington and New York based socio-economic order. Likewise, the Department of Justice has squandered much of its law enforcement legitimacy, through blatantly partisan prosecutions.

These professional classes are highly insular (read: “not attached to common reality”), and one should not expect these two respective agencies to correct their own conduct or police their own misdeeds. The open talk of defunding the Bureau moderated by those who’d move it outside of the Washington DC area will do little to change their high-handed behavior. However, actual budget cuts that render the organizations inert could have the career retarding effect of breaking the institutional bias away from a political protection racket.

Do not be mistaken, it would be better to enforce the law among the enforcers.

Put more directly, the senior field agents and line attorneys have yet to feel direct pain for careerist criminality. Up to this point, more junior personnel have had to swallow pride and workplace inequity without seeing more senior people swing for bad behavior. Moreover, continued and demonstrable abuse of the power of law enforcement to the favor of one political side sets cultural conditions within these organizations. The summary object lesson is that weaponizing this considerable authority to the leftwing advantage is the inexplicit coin of career progression and job security.

Joe Biden was chair of the Judiciary Committee for some time. He is owed favors, and those around him know nearly all the players. His coterie likely knows where the political bodies are buried. Having the career establishment suffer for his rank perfidy is the most expedient way to break the back of this symbiotic leftwing/law-enforcement racketeering. Preserving a Democrat/FBI-DOJ apparatus would almost certainly factor in the ambitions of those who’d seek to usurp him.

Congressional will – The performance of the congressional committees has been generally at par. Investigative congressional staff tend to have a long lead time in their formation and knowledgeability of their work scope. They are handicapped by having relatively few manpower and official resources at their disposal. These are investigative resources that are richly available to their Executive Branch counterparts. Further, good politics demands that a newly minted congress, such as the Republican congress of 2022, allow the administration time to show bad faith before assuming a blanket adversarial posture toward it.

The central question then becomes how well the congressional leadership reads the public will and drives that opinion. It is the high information voter who remains the critical node of forming and moving social opinion. Contemporary media has long sought to co-opt and control the ignorant. In view of the utter collapse of legacy media this might be mistaken that a leafier path lay ahead. Not so. The sextet giants of communication singing a largely unified tune has been replaced by a disunified chorus of belting runts in non-traditional media. To take the musical analogy a step further, these non-traditional outlets among social media, podcasting, and radio play to such unique audiences that they frequently sing over each other in excruciating disharmony.

For the congressional sloth, this makes the traditionally unified message of a party caucus more cumbersome. It must survive niche scrutiny across a range of outlets and audiences. The result can appear to be a disunity that breeds paralysis. The unity and party discipline of congressional Democrats is formidable. Correspondingly, thus, an opposition strategy that is coherent and durable in the face of the foregoing realities is essential. By any measure the misdeeds of the Biden family merit at least an impeachment inquiry. As we stand before recess without a vote on forming an inquiry of impeachment, action on the part congressional Republicans presently appears doubtful.

The Russo/Ukraine War – For all intents and purposes, the Ukraine/Russia War is lost. The resolve of the Ukrainian intelligentsia is in question as what is left of the Ukrainian army could only charitably be described as a national reserve. That in turn undermines the credibility of any peace that would follow. To all appearances, it seems that the criminal coterie surrounding Zelenskyy as well as the enforcement of the Nazi Azov Regiment is the underpinning of the decision to persist. Rumor has had that in late May overtures were made between Kiev and Moscow at a ceasefire; the rumor goes on to imply that the US and United Kingdom scuttled the effort through undescribed means.

The woes of the Biden clan may produce an opening to take the rest of their aid and sue for peace while flipping on Uncle Joe. This war is ripe for being rebranded as being that of Joe Biden’s. His family’s criminal conduct in Ukraine is marked and blatant. However, the Clinton Foundation has received exorbitant sums of money from western oriented oligarchs in the country. Likewise, FTX Crypto currency entrepreneur Sam Bankman-Fried (currently under indictment) is the second largest single donor to the Democratic Party after billionaire George Soros. His business dealings in Ukraine have yet to fully emerge in public light.

In short, Biden is conspicuous for graft with respect to Ukraine, but he isn’t alone. The war has proven a cash cow. Much Like Iraq and Afghanistan, the reconstruction will doubtless command yet more money. This should be viewed with skepticism that it is merely the going concern of the country of Ukraine as changing custody. It begins with a ceasefire. The mention of Biden not being able to close the deal in Ukraine will be window dressing. The entire Democrat Party, and segments of the Republicans, have vested interest in ensuring that outcomes in Ukraine have the same level of personal stakes as the Biden family has had.

China/Taiwan – Bluntly, Joe Biden and Hunter are bought and paid for by the Peoples Republic of China via dealings with CEFC, a known front for the PLA. These dealings include former FBI personnel such as former Director Louis Freeh and former Supervisory Special agent Charles McGonigal (under indictment on a separate matter). Which brings us back to the interconnection of the DOJ/FBI career establishment. This is a salient example of the depth of a coupling between the United States and China and should make one shudder at the thought of its potential to inflict harm to the benefit of Beijing.

In view of the information that is publicly available via bank records, the Hunter laptop, public statements by Tony Bobulinksi and testimony of the IRS whistleblowers, it is only prudent to conclude that the chief executive is a high-level compromise of the Chinese security services. This makes the government of Xi Jinping a vested player in the outcomes of our domestic politics. Indeed, lapidary arguments exist to support direct interference in the 2020 election by the Peoples Liberation Army. As the United States is the global hegemon, it further invites the conclusion that any of their plans with respect to military action in the Taiwan Strait or the South China Sea will consider leadership decisions and the US national mood. These considerations could be the driving factor in their internal deliberations.

From Walmart and Target to the most high-end hedge funds and investment banks, the PRC has itself buried into the American economy. Through production concerns feeding industry and technology, they have an outsized influence on American supply lines. The net result is an ability to exert commercial and economic pressure in both parties that transcends the domestic partisan spectrum. Any discussion into the removal and subsequent replacement of Joe Biden will account for the desires of Beijing and, consequently, their geopolitical aims.

Much of the speculation about Joe Biden from his own left considers only a few possibilities that are held among a small, closed club inside the Beltway. Robert F. Kennedy Junior is arguably the most credible liberal in the field and has all but explicitly been disinvited from party station.

Thus, the standard Washington parlor game of circumspect handicapping has begun. Luminaries such as Roger Stone insist that Michelle (don’t call him Michael) Obama is the de jour choice of the Obama faction. I believe that it is Susan Rice. Hillary is a perennial commander of moneyed interests. It is also clear that Gavin Newsom has delusions of grandeur. He would seek to Californicate the rest of America. This leads me to believe that he is in fact the PRC choice to replace Joe.

Whomever it may be, it appears that after this week, the tectonic plates in DC are shifting and Kamala Harris is simply a long-term non-starter. The wider world may dictate their share of events as well. If the PRC senses a slipping position in this horse race and steps off into late-stage operations against Taiwan, there may be so much public hysteria that a closed-door consensus gets reached before the public voice is engaged. The rest in deep state fashion would be pro forma. Likewise, the question of Israeli action on Iran juxtaposed over its judicial reform debate stands to impact and preoccupy the Jewish quarter of the Democratic Party.

In any event, I hope members of congress went home to actually work and anticipate being on a short string should things get a little sporty. Things look bad for the Biden dynasty. And a dynasty like that would be messy if it falls.

Russia and Ukraine, February 13, 2022… Czekmate’s Operational Analysis & Commentary

Posted in #PaulthePoke, Czekmate, Ezekiel 38-39, Prophecy, Trend Update with tags , , , , , , , , on February 13, 2022 by paulthepoke

RIA Novosti is reporting that the Ukrainian Army is provoking the Donbas and Luhansk separatist militia using western weapons and American “Mercenaries” from Academi (Formerly Blackwater Worldwide. It goes on to describe the Ukrainian Army as concentrated in an array against these two regions.

Czekmate thought bubble: ‘Such clear horse-s–t’

Czekmate Comment: This is Russian state media, who’ve gone into justification of a course of action on the part of the Russian government that has yet to make itself plain. The amount of firepower being gathered opposite the Ukrainian frontier and in the Black Sea is massive. However, much of what it is accomplishing in Czekmate’s view is to give Ukraine something to think about in terms of the options available to the Kremlin and consequently how few are available to a defensive Kiev. As stated in one of my musings yesterday, it also forces Ukraine to thin out its military posture nationwide leaving the offensive initiative even more with the Russian Army.

In that light, the RIA article is truly slam-tied propaganda in line with the factional/national interests of Putin’s team. Those who follow Czekmate’s rather unorthodox thought train on the Russian buildup and the diplomacy surrounding it would observe that Ukraine would be unwise to concentrate forces opposite the DPR and LPR. They are more likely to be widely dispersed in order to cover multiple lanes of potential approach by the Russian Army.

In that light the national government under Prime Minister Zelensky has either been admirably cool-headed or criminally complacent about that which is arrayed against them. Much of the anecdotal information about daily life in and around Kiev suggests that churches, schools, bars and clubs are continuing to operate as usual. If the Ukrainian press is accurate, just today the Ukrainian Army cancelled all leave to include recalling troops already on leave. In short, Ukraine seems to be observing a posture that the tensions are overhyped and they are not going to play the provocateur.

Also in the “win column” for the Ukrainian government is that they appear to be successful with the deployment of their diplomatic service. Specifically, they were quick to protest the expansive closure areas for Naval exercises on the Black Sea this past week. Within the past 48 hours they also used the Vienna Document to make a request of the Russian government as to their intentions regarding such a massive deployment of forces. This is exactly what this diplomatic arrangement should be used for. Other treaty mechanisms such as the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty and the Intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty are in the proverbial hurt locker. But the Vienna Document continues to have buy-in from the Russian government and all other members of the OSCE (Organization for Security Cooperation in Europe).

The bottom line for the Ukrainian government is that they seem to be the adults in the room throughout this entire epoch. As of this writing, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister is tweeting that the Russian Federation did not make its deadline to respond under the terms of the Vienna document.

Update on Russian response to terms of Vienna document. Russia states it has not conducted any unusual military activity in their country. Russia states Ukraine’s claim is not admissible.

Czekmate does not have high hopes for the German Chancellor’s trip to Kiev and Moscow in the next few days. Although, Germany seems to have the best shot for being the most honest broker. They are a party to the “Normandy Format” quad partite arrangement which helped end the LPR & DPR conflict of 2014, Both Ukraine and Russia (In addition to Germany and France) have equities in keeping the arrangement viable. This is borne out in multiple recent Kremlin statements about returning to the Minsk agreement, also a product of the Normandy Format talks in the city of the same name.

German interest is in resolving this matter with little economic damage owing to the exposure of the German economy to Russian trade. Sanctions could actually bite where Germany is concerned. The other western player among the Normandy Format states, France appears to have disengaged. President Macron is a deeply unpopular leader, and one cannot help but consider his journey to Moscow, Kiev, and Berlin last week was an attempt to buttress his reelection chance in August. Putin certainly knew that when Macron made it to Moscow.

“Excuse my language, but we don’t give a $#!+ about all their sanctions. We have already had so many sanctions and in that sense they’ve had a positive effect on our economy and agriculture. New sanctions are nothing positive but not as bad as the West makes it sound.” -Viktor Tatarintsev, Russian Diplomat